Dec 30, 2009

Road trips and plane rides

Okay, it's official I just booked my flight to NY. Yippee!
First I will be spending a good part of January in Texas. The annual CRI board and staff meeting in Dallas, then on to visit a church and friends in Tomball. Then a trip over to Mesa Arizona to see my "new parents" ( God continues to bless me!)
We should be getting back to Cedar Rapids sometime that first week of February.

I leave on the 5th of February for NY and fly back to Cedar Rapids on the 14th.
This is exciting to me, as I have not been in NY since last April.
I am looking forward to visiting with family and friends, and sharing stories of how God continues to walk with me and bless me.

I am hoping to line up 1:1 time, coffee dates, lunch, whatever.
I am also praying for the opportunity to meet with a few pastors, or mission board members, anyone who wants to hear about what the Lord is doing in Mozambique.
My prayer is that once they hear, the Lord will move in the hearts of those who are meant to walk with me on this journey. Supporting me financially as well as praying specifically for the needs of the people of Mozambique.

Please get in touch with me, so we can get something on the calender, I'd love to hear from you!
email me at ~ or

I also need people's email address! So now you have two good reasons to contact me!
Can't wait to hear from you!
God's blessings to you all!

Dec 29, 2009


I just heard an incredible statistic.
Every 24 hours, 25,000 children die from hunger related illnesses.
I spend half the year in a third world country, I've seen more hungry children than I ever thought possible.
Still this number is completely inconceivable to me.
Please pray for these children.
Pray that they will come to know the Lord before they become a part of this growing statistic.

Dec 4, 2009

God's Perfectness

God's plan is perfect.
I wonder just how many times I've said that to myself and others over the course of the last two and a half years? I've lost count.

I've said it when it seemed like the right thing to say. I've said it when in fact I've really questioned the validity of it. I've also said it when I've meant it with all my heart.

People come into your life and you love them and you thank God for them, and then they die. You question why such a 'bad thing' had to happen. But as you continue to live and seek after the Lord and follow His plan, you begin to see the 'good' that He allows to come out of what we perceive as bad.
My life and the path that the Lord has me on is absolute proof of this. He is faithful to provide all good things to those who love and serve Him.

Praise the Lord that now as I find myself saying it daily, I feel it deep inside my soul. As my faith continues to grow my vision of His perfect plan is slowly coming into focus.
I know God's plan is perfect, always.
I praise Him for His perfect plan for my life.