Jan 15, 2010

Pride verses Humility

Kathy and I left yesterday for Texas. We are traveling by car to Dallas for Children's Relief International's annual board and staff meeting.
We have been looking forward to this time to see everyone we know, love and admire.
It's a great opportunity to grow, develop and renew our desire to follow where the Lord is leading us.
So, we decided to drive, to save money, but also because we have been invited to Tomball TX. to visit with some new friends who spent time with us in Mozambique last summer.
We are so very excited to see them and catch up!!

As we drove these last few days we have been reading a book.
Humility Beauty of Holiness by author and Pastor Andrew Murray.
It has been very insightful, very powerful!
I personally don't believe that anything is by chance. Quite the contrary I believe God is control of absolutely everything that takes place.
So that being said, there is no coincidence in the fact that we are reading this book.

I have prayed often, daily even, for the Lord to help make me humble. For the Lord to help me serve others with a genuine humble heart and accept with humility whatever happens to me.
After reading this authors insights, I can see why this is not a status easily obtained.
I can see where pride is in constant struggle with humility.
The author sites numerous scripture references where Jesus is calling us to humble ourselves, and serve others with a humble heart.
He also states how there is nothing in ourselves which can accomplish this, until we fully and completely die to self and allow Jesus and His Holy Spirit to fill us.

The one true way of dying to self is the way of patience, meekness, humility and resignation to God. ( from the book)
My prayer, to be small, so the Holy Spirit can be big inside of me.


Unknown said...

Val. Thank you for sharing these words. Powerful. If you can and have time continue to share some words on this journey of 'being small' and staying humble. If the world is a dark closet filled with ego and self-importance, your words are part of the light that shines under the door... so we know how to get out!

God bless!

Jen said...

Andrew Murray's book on Humility changed my life, altered something in my head and heart when I read it. Isn't it amazing when the Lord sends just the right book (message) at just the right time to take us our next step forward, closer to Himself, walking in the light of more truth, free to be more of who we were actually created to be. Bless you!