Feb 21, 2010

Boot Camp

Glad to see I peaked your interest.....
Yes, I am attending Boot Camp on March 5th and 6th in Iowa City. Surprised?

First let me say that it is totally a "God thing" that I am able to attend so close to home!! This means no planes, hotels, and all the addition expenses involved when traveling.
Initially, I was suppose to go to South Carolina, I know, not a bad place to visit this time of year, right?

But I have to tell you, at this point, I would rather be close to home, and save money at the same time! When I spoke to Laura, the lady in charge, she asked why I was looking to go to South Carolina and not Iowa City (which is about 20minutes from my home in Cedar Rapids)

I explained that the registration on line had indicated they were full....but my God is so good to me, always! He knew what I needed and He provided!

Okay, so let me explain....yes it's "Boot Camp", that's the title of the seminar, but it's just that a seminar. So, no push ups, or rope climbing or parachute jumps, but hard work just the same.

They call it Boot Camp because it's intense and requires a 100% participation. Sounds like the service doesn't it?
Actually, I am going to learn how to raise support to fund the work the Lord has called me to do.

They claim that if the participants give it their all, and do all the prep work before hand (over 24 hours of prep work!) then follow their guidelines, they will have 100% support in 100 days!
I like the sounds of that!

There are several requirements that have to be fulfilled before I even attend the first day.
Like reading the book, Funding your Ministry, and completing 18 pages of "homework".
There are multiple bible studies that will need to be completed as well ( I will like this part)

I am grateful that the course is based on scripture. How God has asked us to utilize the resources He provides. Asking us to give to those whom He has called to fulfill the great commission. I am excited to see what else He will show me through this training.

The course is not free, and I am blessed that God has provided and I am able to attend.
They do offer us $100.00 discount.
If we can secure donors in a personal face to face meetings, they will give a $100.00 discount.
Anyone interested?
You could be my homework.... I mean supporter:)

I will need lots of prayers, not only to get all my homework done, but then to pass the course!
There is actually a lot riding on this. Think about it, if God is my teacher and I am the student, would you want to fail ?

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.

Thanks once again for reading.

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